Sunday, December 25, 2011

Xbox Live/Microsoft Points Christmas 2011 Locations!

So I figure 3 hours should be enough time to let people give the site a good thorough look through to find the codes. Congratulations to those who did find them, and to those who didn't, don't give up... I'm not through yet with giving away codes and have another promotional idea in mind for another upcoming contest I would like to hold...more details will be released about that in the future as I think it through, but I'm most certainly not done giving away Xbox Live Gold codes anytime soon :) Here are the 15 location's of the Gold Codes throughout the blog:

1.) In the Comments under "Free 1 Month Xbox Live Gold Code" 4/26/09
2.) Under "No More Xbox Live updates, only free Xbox Live Codes!!", have made 3 Month clickable 5/18/09
3.) Under "Already another Xbox Live code?", added a code at end of the post. 10/2/09
4.) In the Comments under "Merry Christmas! :)" 12/26/09
5.) Under "Free Xbox Live Gold Weekend!", have changed the link to the article to another link. 6/11/10
6.) Hidden undernearth Old Posts, marked with a period (.)
7.) Under "So I ended up finding...", added a code at end of the post underneath the already existing code. 5/17/11
8.) In the comments under "Here's how Christmas day will work..." 12/21/11
9.) Under "What a busy month!", added a code at the end of the post underneath the already existing code. 8/2/09
10.) Under "Free Xbox Live 48 hour code!", have changed the link to enter in the code to another link. 3/20/10
11.) Under "Wow, surprising comment!", added a code at end of the post underneath the already existing code. 12/6/11
12.) Under "Merry Christmas! :)", added a code at end of the post underneath the already existing code. 12/26/09
13.) In the Comments under "How I hold these giveaways..." 5/10/09
14.) Under "Merry Christmas with Free Xbox Live Gold Codes!!", added a code 4th one into the already existing codes. 12/27/10
15.) Under "Amazon hosts Xbox Live Promotion", have changed the 1600 Microsoft Points link to another link. 4/26/09


  1. I just checked them all, none of them were still available.

  2. Damn it..i just got up at 5 am here.
    just to get 1 code but theyre all gone :((

  3. theres no more codes

  4. Maybe I have an idea, how about when the time comes of another Xbox Live Code, you can just remove one of the letter/digit and make the people guess through it! Even if the first person who found the code on the blog, might end up not solving it, or another person end up winning it, my opinion. Tell me what do you think, okay? :)

  5. Are you doing anymore jacobs?

  6. ._. my gold ran out today, so close to prestiging on MW3

  7. Just prestiged then gold ran out need a code please send me one any one just a 2 day xbox live trial :)

  8. if you do i will get u in to a challenge lobby on mw3 mw2 :) message me on

  9. mike mike mike mike grrrrrrrJanuary 2, 2012 at 1:12 PM

    wow this was fun....i was toooooo late. lol i was in italy with family. but the search was fun and only found 7. good game jasmine. and i can't believe that people would not spend time with their familes. i had a great week and happy hoildays jasmine>

  10. This fucking sucks, i never get a code EVER! FUCKING BULLSHIT

  11. Hey guys you get one month free with kinect sports season 2, MIGHT HELP if you have a kinect but no online

  12. i have a season 2 and got 1 month free.
    surprised me. I thought they only gave 48 hours trials. I also got the blue foam finger (used it) and a male and female football suit. (both unused) The 1 month is unused to. PM me through GT: YummyTacoFTW

  13. Common make a new bloggggggg

  14. can i have a code plz think you

  15. can i have a code plz

  16. Do you Have any releases for February? :)

  17. I have found a site where you can get them very cheap!

  18. Hey Jasmine. You've been a very generous person that I just wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone. Here's a code to anyone who gets it. 36R2G-YD7K6-B24DT-Q93GX-WMPTP. It's 100 microsoft points. I can always gets 100 microsoft points once in a while, but I won't tell why. If you want to trade a code for a certain ammount of points,(going by 100's) just messege me though I'll try to negotiate something with you. My gamertag is YummyTacoFTW. :)

    1. yo YummyTacoFTW i really need a xbox live gold membership code for this weekend because there is double xp all weekend. even a 48 hour code would be nice but before this weekend plz because i wanna get the most out of this weekend. thnks n NinjaReflexes54 is my gamertag so if you want you can message me the code there or at thnks man.

  19. send me a code please my gamertag is houstontx ymcmb

  20. send me a code gamertag houstontx ymcmb

  21. send me a code gamertaghoustontx ymcmb
