Monday, March 14, 2011

Free Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Code, HURRY!!

Has it been almost 3 months since my last post? Damn, where has time gone?! Truly sorry for the terrible lack of any updates with new codes, but with my job now, and being promoted has really put a stress on things in my life, including here online as well. I hardly play Xbox Live anymore, just come home, eat, sleep, wake up, work, eat, sleep...blech...

Anyhow, don't think I've forgotten about this blog, and my word saying I'll deliver free Xbox Live Gold codes...the updates might not be like they were last year, but make sure to check in daily still as you never know when I might post the next code... I might host another giveaway later this summer, but it won't be like last time as one big post, still considering on what I'll do, but thinking of just posting a new code every few minutes so people have a chance at least... For now though, for that lucky person, here's a 3 month for you, enjoy! :)

Free Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Code


  1. Damn, I actually checked today. How do you get these codes so easily? Is it something we could do and share with the site?

  2. Please get another code soon.

  3. Hey man,i just ran into your site,looking for any free gold trials,sp if you can help me with one I'd really apreciate....My gamertag is d0n bolotzini..thx

  4. Just came across this site somehow and I feel like i found gold lol. This is such an awesome thing for you to be doing, I just wish i would have seen this when it started!

  5. mu is FreeKiLL14 tell me if u have a code !! want to play to my games online !! was 1 long time ago :S thx ! mister p

  6. Post another code please

  7. This is a great site. Hopefully i can get one of those codes

  8. wow only if i had found this site like an hour ago i would have the codee FUCKKKKKKKKKK

  9. I need a code plz send ep3zzy21

  10. hi if can you please give me a code
    gt is: SOG GO HAM

  11. perty bad-ass of you, yo. ill be checkin back for sure.

  12. hi..:)would really appreciate a code my gamer tag is ando2636.. add me ppl,;)thx

  13. please send me one my family died and i have no point or xbox live gold my gamer tag is kj the king25

  14. you are so awsome please my gamer tag is kj the king

  15. hey dude can you put 12 months live for me?

  16. You know sometimes if you just change tnumbers and letters in the codes you might get lucky and use one that hasnt been claimed yet. I did that tons of times and ended up getting 12 month membership and 4000 mp.

  17. i need a xbox live membership bad! if u could give me one then that would be really helpful thx cya!

  18. can i have a code iv been ofline for 5 motnhs gamer tag sn1per w1nner

  19. i need it so so bad my gamertag is JaydenSeeker thanks so much!!!!!!!!!

  20. plzz send me one in a message here is my gamertag youul be cool plz zZsilentkeelZz

  21. hello i my xbox live gold just expired could you please send me a code email is, you should make a youtube acount and do the giveaways there you would make money there

  22. Add some codes dude

  23. Put Some Codes Down

  24. plz i nead some codes

  25. this dumbass bitch dont no what he doin y da fuck him im tired of his ass anyway

  26. Please send me code Thx. I have never played live

  27. Gamer tag IWG ViiRUS

  28. this is the first time i have not been able to afford gold is there any chance you could help me out my gamertag is infectedsoul87

  29. aye I need a free code to if u dont mind just for today..
    Gamertag- Andersonboi345

  30. In need of code please:)
