So it won't be too much longer before my request at Rewards1 for a new Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Code will be arriving, but first, let me tell you about how easy it is to earn these just by yourselves without having to wait for me, or hoping nobody else grabs the one code before you...
I just logged on today and completed four of their offers within 10 minutes earning me over $5.00! And what makes it so nice is a lot of those offers are just submitting an e-mail and that's it! Literally...go to Yahoo, Gmail, hell even GMX and create a new e-mail account, takes maybe 2 minutes... Login to Rewards1, find the offers that ask for one page submit only (Almost always just as simple as inputting an e-mail address), and ta-da, just wait for your points! I literally just logged in, checked their offers and found this one: "Amazon $500 Gift Card", input my SPAM e-mail address I created on Gmail, and sure enough a minute later the offer had converted and there were my points. There are tons of these offers on their site so raking in 20 points for a Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Code is really quite simple! Hence why I release these codes as I do...I do work, and earn my own money to buy my own Xbox Live time, but have been a member of Rewards1 for over 2 years now and have earned my Xbox Live Gold codes that way before getting my I just browse the site for easy offers like the one mentioned above, work my way up to 20 points (Usually takes about 30 minutes...) and order a Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Code...3 days later it arrives in my inbox and I share it with you really is that simple! If your one of those skeptical ones who don't believe you can earn anything for free on the internet, simply check their forums! Thousands have posted proof they have received their free prizes, and if you look good enough, you can even find my payment proofs in their also ;)
Otherwise, just keep a look out on this blog for that Free Xbox Live 3 Month Gold code...and keep your eyes peeled for later next month as I'm planning a huge posting of Xbox Live Gold codes for free like always! Happy Holiday's everyone :D
P.S. If your looking for One Page Submit offers, may I recommend these as they have approved for me: "GoGetAutoInsurance - State Submit" (Simply put the state I lived in, credited a few minutes later), "Amazon $500 Gift Card" and "iShopSmartClub - Madden 2011 Game" (Input my SPAM e-mail, few minutes later I had received credit), "Welch's Free Sample", "Brand Coupons", "Lifescript AdVantage" (These three offers, simply just submitted a different e-mail address on each offer since they are run off of the same site, credited a few minutes later), etc. Just remember to clear cookies after every offer you complete, and never use the same e-mail address on offers made by the same advertiser...
Hey are those codes coming soon? I live in Ireland and rewards1 doesn't work for me :( Really need a code!
ReplyDeleteCan you send me a 3 month xbl code would really appreciate it cant afford to get 1 my email is
ReplyDeleteWhat's your xbox live gamertag