Friday, June 11, 2010

Free Xbox Live Gold Weekend!

Everybody enjoying their summer vacation? I sure am! Hence the lack of free Xbox Live gold codes or anything as of lately...just been super busy meeting up with family and friends, some of whom I haven't seen in years! Nevertheless, I was able to get to the library today to post this news:

Starting today (June 11th, 2010), around 12:00 p.m. PDT, Microsoft is offering silver members once again a weekend to play on Xbox Live for free, as a gold member nonetheless! So hurry up and boot those consoles and get to playing while you can! ;)

**Edited 6:30 p.m. CDT**

So I've received a few comments stating they couldn't get the Free Xbox Live weekend to idea what was going on, but the problem seems to be fixed now, just logged into my silver account and am able to play Halo 3 ;) Here's the link to the article showing this weekend is indeed a free Xbox Live weekend...


  1. It seems that this aint working?

  2. This dont seem to be working

  3. i tried it n it didn't work im a sliver member
