Saturday, November 21, 2009

Free Xbox Live and Microsoft Points

So I have my comments moderated, and I've been getting nothing but requests asking if I could send them a code... Question is, why would you seriously ask me that? lol! I can't comprehend why people would beg for a code when I freely put these codes up for one lucky person...

I've finally got to the point to reveal my secret to how I get my free Xbox Live, this way everybody can get the chance to earn their own gold memberships. Now if your not one of those that believe you can earn free items from the internet, just click that little X in the type right corner of the screen, make things much simpler for you. For the people who are curious, I'll lead you in the right direction. I've been using GPT's now for over two years and have earned over $500 just by doing offers! Once you get the hang of it, you can earn a 1 year within a day if your devoted enough to it...

Most offers will ask for your personal information, what you give them is up to you. There's websites (Google "FakeNameGenerator") that will create alias and addresses/telephone numbers to use (Do NOT use the credit card information!), but use at your own risk, it is against their TOS. I have heard of several users who use the websites and haven't got in trouble though... Also make sure before signing up you create several new spam e-mail addresses, I recommend GMX or Mailinator...make sure to rotate between those e-mail's while doing offers. Make sure though the e-mail you use to sign up to Rewards1 is your own real e-mail, so when you opt to order an Xbox Live/Microsoft Points code, it'll be sent to an e-mail you check regularly.

Steps to complete offers:
1.) Click on offer and fill out required information (Usually e-mail first page, personal information second page.)
2.) The next several pages will be full of yes or no "survey's". I've found the easiest way to skip through these is to press tab then right repeatedly through the vertical yes/no pages. Click yes on the first three of these pages, then tab and right afterwards til the bottom of the page, click Submit, then click skip on those three offers you clicked yes on, repeat on the other pages.
3.) Once you reach Silver, Gold, Platinum pages, simply click on the recommended amount of offers they require...say Silver wants you to click 2 offers. Click on any offer on the page, let it load completely, go back to the original page (Leaving that window/tab open) and click on another offer, then what I do is let it load and click on one more just incase, let it load, then skip to the Gold page and do the exact same, and once again for the Platinum page.
4.) After completing the Platinum page, open your spam e-mail account and check for any confirmation e-mail's from the website itself, active an account or whatever it may be.
5.) Let all the pages that have loaded sit for 10-15 minutes, check your account and your points should have credited. ;)
6.) Clear your cookies/cache and continue with another offer.

Now not all offers require you to go through the Silver, Gold, and Platinum pages. Offers like Eversave and other sign up sites only require an e-mail, and every now and then again your information (Which you can get off the website mentioned earlier). Active the account in your spam e-mail, and you should be credited almost instantly. These offers are very easy to complete and can be done within a matter of a minute or two. Very quick and simple way to earn points.

If you follow EVERYTHING above, you should have no troubles getting the points needed for a 3 Month Xbox Live, or perhaps even 1600 Microsoft Points? Even European users can access and use the site, but there are far less offers than those who live here in America... Below are the prizes I have received from Rewards1, hopefully this site will help those asking for codes. I should be releasing a new code within the upcoming weeks. If you need any help whatsoever, please feel free to leave me a comment with your e-mail and I'll send you a guide helping you even more :)

Below are just a few of the prizes I have received over the past two years using Rewards1, more proof can be found on their forums ;)

- $155 Amazon Gift Code (Used to buy Arcade 360)
- Grand Theft Auto IV
- One of the 1 month Xbox Live Codes (Last 1 Month Code I gave away)
- One of the 3 month Xbox Live Codes
- 1600 Microsoft Points


  1. Wow Much Respect I have For You!! Not Only Did You Willingly Share Your Secret But You Did It Thoroughly and Easy Enough To Understand, You Truly Are A Great Person! Thank You. :]

  2. Is free or have i to pay something and are this codes useful for user in europe?

  3. Yes, Rewards1 is completely free, I haven't paid a cent since I joined the site, but there are cell phone offers and credit card offers... Personally I've never done them, but several people have... Just be prepared for a $9.99 bill for the cell phone!

    And yes, the codes you request from the site can be good for European users, just make sure to click the International codes ;) You can also order anything else you so desire from Ebay/Amazon and a whole bunch of other sites they offer!

  4. Hi man,i don't know if you are willing but if you manage somehow to get 2 Xbox live membership are you willing to give me one?I only need 1 month membership card nothing less
