**Only available for European Xbox Live users**
It’s that time of year again and, as gaming expo fever starts to build and E3 and GCDC loom large on the horizon, Microsoft Corp. is drumming up consumer interest by once again offering temporarily free access to its Xbox Live multiplayer and multimedia experience.
Made available through its returning ‘Xtival’ special event, Redmond-based Microsoft will take away the pay-to-play restriction tied into Xbox Live Gold account memberships between May 01 and May 04, subsequently granting anyone with an Xbox 360 access to the full and complete service.
“We don’t think anyone should miss out on the treats we’ve got lined up this year, which is why we’re giving everyone Xbox Live Gold membership FREE for the entire weekend,” outlines Microsoft’s official Xvital announcement.
And opening its popular Live service to the entire Xbox 360 demographic isn’t the only carrot that Microsoft is gleefully dangling before the ever-willing consumer donkey next weekend.
Specifically, Xtival 09 will deliver a host of competitions and tournaments across Xbox Live, along with the availability of exclusive high-definition features films, music videos and videogame-related downloads.
Unlike most (music) festivals worth their salt, Microsoft’s virtual approach may lack copious amounts of mud, alcohol and head-banging, but it will provide a ‘Lips Stage’ where players can put on a “superstar performance” in the comfort of their living rooms, along with a ‘Party Arena’ for music, movies and games.
And, of course, given that Xbox Live is a platform for online videogaming, Xtival will also provide ‘Live Favourites’ access, where players can find all their favourite blockbuster titles in one place for the entire weekend.
So, if you’re lumbered with a Silver account, or don’t have any kind of membership at all, then save yourself a few pennies and sample the highlights of Microsoft’s online gaming service for free. Go on, you know you want to.
Thanks goes to TheTechHerald for this information!
could u pretty plz give me a 1 month code