As I try to hold every year since I've created this blog, I have all plans to host another Free Xbox Live Gold Code Christmas Extravaganza!! This year won't be like last year though...with the holiday's, and family coming to visit, I hardly have the time to go around my blog and hide codes throughout it...instead, it'll be like two years ago where I just post and all the codes are there... All I ask is don't be greedy...if you get a code, leave it at that, and let the other's have a chance...please...
As I've mentioned, I've been extremely busy as of late, and haven't had much time to really do anything besides work and schoolwork, but for whatever odd reason, my brother decided he wanted to give up the Xbox One, and go to PS4, but thankfully not before using a random Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Code, so for your enjoyment, here it is! :)
Free Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Code