Monday, March 14, 2011

Free Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Code, HURRY!!

Has it been almost 3 months since my last post? Damn, where has time gone?! Truly sorry for the terrible lack of any updates with new codes, but with my job now, and being promoted has really put a stress on things in my life, including here online as well. I hardly play Xbox Live anymore, just come home, eat, sleep, wake up, work, eat, sleep...blech...

Anyhow, don't think I've forgotten about this blog, and my word saying I'll deliver free Xbox Live Gold codes...the updates might not be like they were last year, but make sure to check in daily still as you never know when I might post the next code... I might host another giveaway later this summer, but it won't be like last time as one big post, still considering on what I'll do, but thinking of just posting a new code every few minutes so people have a chance at least... For now though, for that lucky person, here's a 3 month for you, enjoy! :)

Free Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Code