Sunday, December 25, 2011

Xbox Live/Microsoft Points Christmas 2011 Locations!

So I figure 3 hours should be enough time to let people give the site a good thorough look through to find the codes. Congratulations to those who did find them, and to those who didn't, don't give up... I'm not through yet with giving away codes and have another promotional idea in mind for another upcoming contest I would like to hold...more details will be released about that in the future as I think it through, but I'm most certainly not done giving away Xbox Live Gold codes anytime soon :) Here are the 15 location's of the Gold Codes throughout the blog:

1.) In the Comments under "Free 1 Month Xbox Live Gold Code" 4/26/09
2.) Under "No More Xbox Live updates, only free Xbox Live Codes!!", have made 3 Month clickable 5/18/09
3.) Under "Already another Xbox Live code?", added a code at end of the post. 10/2/09
4.) In the Comments under "Merry Christmas! :)" 12/26/09
5.) Under "Free Xbox Live Gold Weekend!", have changed the link to the article to another link. 6/11/10
6.) Hidden undernearth Old Posts, marked with a period (.)
7.) Under "So I ended up finding...", added a code at end of the post underneath the already existing code. 5/17/11
8.) In the comments under "Here's how Christmas day will work..." 12/21/11
9.) Under "What a busy month!", added a code at the end of the post underneath the already existing code. 8/2/09
10.) Under "Free Xbox Live 48 hour code!", have changed the link to enter in the code to another link. 3/20/10
11.) Under "Wow, surprising comment!", added a code at end of the post underneath the already existing code. 12/6/11
12.) Under "Merry Christmas! :)", added a code at end of the post underneath the already existing code. 12/26/09
13.) In the Comments under "How I hold these giveaways..." 5/10/09
14.) Under "Merry Christmas with Free Xbox Live Gold Codes!!", added a code 4th one into the already existing codes. 12/27/10
15.) Under "Amazon hosts Xbox Live Promotion", have changed the 1600 Microsoft Points link to another link. 4/26/09

...and here we go! Xbox Live Extravaganza starts!

All 15 codes are up throughout the site...where? Well I'll post that tomorrow incase there's codes that can't be found (A few are hidden pretty darn well), this way everybody should get a WAY better chance to find a code that's not been used rather than just posting all 15 at the same time. Good luck to everybody and enjoy the rest of your Christmas :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Here's how Christmas day will work...

I figure I'd update everybody on how I see Christmas day panning out at the moment for the Xbox Live Gold code release giveaway...

I DO have to work on Christmas day, not really cool with me, but at least I'll get New Year's off in exchange, so not going to complain...that means I LOVE CHICKEN! is right on when I'll be starting the! Sometime after 6:00 p.m. CDT would be a good time to start checking...that's what time I get off and should start editing/adding comments to posts...this should at least hopefully keep people from nabbing all the codes in one least I would sure hope so...

All in all I plan to release 15 codes, a mixture of Xbox Live Gold 3 Month's, a few 48-Hour Trial's, and some 1600 Microsoft Points codes...I usually don't posts Microsoft Points, but have decided to start adding them :) More codes will be 48-Hour Trial's, but there will be at least 2 3 Month's, and at least 2 1600 Microsoft Points...

I will also be keeping track of where I put these codes, and will release another post on the 26th with the 15 locations of the codes, just incase there were some that nobody had found...I was going to make it tricky, and hide a few in the background of the blog, or even create a background area where it was clickable and take you to a code, but sadly am not that website inclined...haha! If anybody's willing to offer help, it'd sure be appreciated :)

Otherwise, I wish everybody happy holiday's, and good luck on the 25th!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Check your e-mail's!

Just giving everyone a heads up, make sure to check your e-mail's that are linked to your Xbox Live account, you may have got a free Xbox Live Gold one month! On Wednesday evening, I received an e-mail from Xbox telling me to check out the new "experience" as they call it (The new dashboard), and offered me a free one month just to take a look at it! I'm currently a Gold member as is so it doesn't matter whether your Gold or Silver, you possibly might get this e-mail. Now I have talked to my friend who also plays on Live and apparently he too got an e-mail, but no Xbox Live Gold one month code, so it's only a few select people I guess who will receive this e-mail...either way, definitely something to take a few minutes of your day to check your e-mail. The code I received will be held on to until my Christmas giveaway :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Same blog, different layout!

Not sure what was going on with the other template I was using...I'll admit it was a free one I found using Google, but a few days ago, noticed the header background had changed the image with another one, and then today I logged on and sure enough everything else was out of place... Just decided to stick with using's Google's template and just changing things from there, rather than hoping somebody else's template doesn't go bad like the one I was using...hope everybody enjoy's the changes.

Just to give UK people a heads up, there's a comment in my previous post that somebody had posted for a Xbox Live 48 hour Gold code, but I have noticed it's missing a letter/number... Not even sure if it's real, but if somebody wants to take the time, might score a free 48 hour Gold! Keep on the look out as Christmas is only 15 days away, and codes could always pop up whenever...thinking might even make it a little scavenger hunt, make things a little harder for people just visiting looking for a free code ;)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wow, surprising comment!

I have it set on my blog that I have to approve any comments before going through, mainly due to the fact I have so many comments around the line of "Can you send me a code, my e-mail is" and I really don't want other people finding your e-mail addresses and spamming the crap out of them...aren't I awfully nice? Now I of course don't send anybody who submits comments like that any free Xbox Live time, so don't even!

What was surprising in my last post in the comments section was a person named like like...they sent me a comment with a free Xbox Live Gold code in it...I haven't approved the message yet as I wanted somebody who reads my blog posts to grab it, so here it fair warning though, I'm pretty sure this Xbox Live code is UK only, so good luck to whoever gets it :)

Also still saving up more and more money on Rewards1, so plan to have a pretty hefty list of free Xbox Live Gold codes for everybody to enjoy this year...just keep checking in, never know when the next post is going to be, and the next time I'll post a code up ;)

Free Xbox Live Gold Code (Amount Unknown)

Friday, December 2, 2011

December Update

How was everybody's Thanksgiving this year? I had an alright one, but did have to work...never a good idea to eat a whole bunch of Turkey and go into work right after...definitely quite a hard night trying to stay! I just thought I'd post and let everyone know I am doing what I said I would and earning a lot of points on Rewards1. More than enough for a pretty big giveaway later this month, much closer to Christmas time... No codes today as I don't want to waste any, but just thought I'd keep my regular visitors updated on things :) Hope everyone has an enjoyable rest of the month, keep checking back, cause who knows what mood I might be in, might just release a free Xbox Live Gold code here in the next few days ;).

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November Run!

Once again been a while since I've updated, but no worries, I've brought some goodies with me today, not just one Xbox Live code, but 5 of them! That's right...all I ask is whoever grabs one, please don't be greedy and take all of them... I am heeding your guys advice on how to do a giveaway come Christmas time and think posting codes at different times of the day would be a great idea! Also got another idea in mind, but we'll see when that time comes.

I'm still getting several comments from readers begging for me to send them a free Xbox Live Gold code, but would that be fair to the other readers? I think not...especially when I can't even tell how long you've been on this blog, let alone if you even have read through it, which does explains how I get the money to support this's not the easiest thing to do, and it does take time, but I didn't have to do this...I've just been doing it for years, and now that I've got a job, I no longer need to support myself off of those type of websites, I just enjoy doing them and sharing the wealth to other's...please, next time before sending me a comment begging for a free code, or that your parents won't give you any money, look through my blog and there's other entries that explain how easy it can be to earn Xbox Live 1 Month's, 3 Month's, 12 Month's, Microsoft Points, plus A LOT more...

Now for the time I'm sure a majority of you have been waiting for, 5 Free Xbox Live Gold Codes!!

Free Xbox Live 1 Month Gold Codes:

Monday, August 15, 2011

Free 3 Month Xbox Live Gold Code released!

Yes, I'm not dead, and no, I have not forgotten about this blog whatsoever, just been keeping on my toes with work and getting ready for another college year. Anyhow, I did recently find another new website that gives you free Xbox Live Gold code's. I've used it twice (Needed a code for myself two weeks ago.) but had enough points to order two, hence the free 3 Month Xbox Live code I'm releasing at the end of this post. I figured I'll post up an earlier post (revised a little), I released almost two years ago explaining how I'm able to release these codes to you guys, and how easy it can be for yourself to earn them:

"I've finally got to the point to reveal my secret to how I get my free Xbox Live, this way everybody can get the chance to earn their own gold memberships. Now if your not one of those that believe you can earn free items from the internet, just click that little X in the type right corner of the screen, make things much simpler for you. For the people who are curious, I'll lead you in the right direction. I've been using GPT's now for over two years and have earned over $500 just by doing offers! Once you get the hang of it, you can earn a 1 year within a day if your devoted enough to it...

First and foremost, sign up here: Make sure though the e-mail you use to sign up is your own real e-mail, so when you opt to order an Xbox Live/Microsoft Points code, it'll be sent to an e-mail you check regularly. Most offers on these type of sites will ask for your personal information, what you give them is up to you. There's websites (Google "FakeNameGenerator") that will create alias and addresses/telephone numbers to use (Do NOT use the credit card information!), but use at your own risk, it is against their TOS. I have heard of several users who use the websites and haven't got in trouble though... Also make sure before signing up you create several new spam e-mail addresses, I recommend Yahoo or GMX...make sure to rotate between those e-mail's while doing offers.

Steps to complete offers:
1.) Click on an offer and fill out the required information (Usually e-mail first page, personal information second page).
2.) The next several pages will be full of yes or no "survey's". I've found the easiest way to skip through these is to press tab then right repeatedly through the vertical yes/no pages. Click yes on the first three of these pages, then tab and right afterwards til the bottom of the page, click Submit, then click skip on those three offers you clicked yes on, repeat on the other pages. There's also plugin's through GreaseMonkey that will simplify this process.
3.) Once you reach Silver, Gold, Platinum pages, simply click on the recommended amount of offers they require...say Silver wants you to click 2 offers. Click on any offer on the page, let it load completely, go back to the original page (Leaving that window/tab open) and click on another offer, then what I do is let it load and click on one more just incase, let it load, then skip to the Gold page and do the exact same, and once again for the Platinum page.
4.) After completing the Platinum page, open your spam e-mail account and check for any confirmation e-mail's from the website itself, active an account or whatever it may be.
5.) Let all the pages that have loaded sit for 10-15 minutes, check your account and your points should have credited. ;)
6.) Clear your cookies/cache and continue with another offer.

Now not all offers require you to go through the Silver, Gold, and Platinum pages. Offers like Eversave and other sign up sites only require an e-mail, and every now and then again your information (Which you can get off the website mentioned earlier). Activate the account in your spam e-mail, and you should be credited almost instantly. These offers are very easy to complete and can be done within a matter of a minute or two. Very quick and simple way to earn points.

If you follow EVERYTHING above, you should have no troubles getting the points needed for a 3 Month Xbox Live, or perhaps even 1600 Microsoft Points? Even European users can access and use the site, but there are far less offers than those who live here in America... Hopefully this site will help those asking for codes. If you need any help whatsoever, please feel free to leave me a comment with your e-mail and I'll send you a guide helping you even more :)"

Free Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Code

P.S. I'm still devising a way of doing these giveaways to make things much more fair to those who regularly visit this blog. Any comments are taken into consideration, so feel free to post any ways you could think would make things more fair. I'm still planning a huge release of codes around Christmas time, so hoping for a good solution.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

So I ended up finding...

Another Xbox Live 3 Month Gold card just laying on the side of my desk here as I was cleaning up before heading to work (Yes, it's been awhile since I've cleaned...). Sure enough come to find out it's still good, so like the nice person I am, I'm releasing it to the public. I still have a few saved up for either a one day posting spree, or just here and there, still haven't decided on that yet. Either way, here's your 3 month code, enjoy!

Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Code

Monday, March 14, 2011

Free Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Code, HURRY!!

Has it been almost 3 months since my last post? Damn, where has time gone?! Truly sorry for the terrible lack of any updates with new codes, but with my job now, and being promoted has really put a stress on things in my life, including here online as well. I hardly play Xbox Live anymore, just come home, eat, sleep, wake up, work, eat, sleep...blech...

Anyhow, don't think I've forgotten about this blog, and my word saying I'll deliver free Xbox Live Gold codes...the updates might not be like they were last year, but make sure to check in daily still as you never know when I might post the next code... I might host another giveaway later this summer, but it won't be like last time as one big post, still considering on what I'll do, but thinking of just posting a new code every few minutes so people have a chance at least... For now though, for that lucky person, here's a 3 month for you, enjoy! :)

Free Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Code