So since the game was released today, I decided to release a 3 month code today!! If you've been keeping up with the comments, I mentioned it'd be a few days, and I would've released the code this weekend, but went up to visit my grandparents since they're not doing good at all... The code should provide somebody with plenty of time to not only get their Recon armor, but also enjoy playing the rest of the Mythic Maps! (Heretic, Citadel, and Longshore).
I also have quite a few invites left for Lockerz if anybody's interested? Just leave a comment with your e-mail and I'll invite you as soon as possible. (Yes, I moderate my comments now so expect that). If you don't have an account with them yet, I'd highly recommend getting an invite now! October 15th, something big is happening on the site, and you'll want as many PTz as possible by me!
Enjoy your Xbox Live time to whoever gets the code, have a great rest of the week people!